Breaking Out The Silo - Bridging Gaps Between Testing Teams In Your Organization

Airs on April 20th at 1PM (EDT)

How often have you felt you are the last team in your organization to know about a feature before it reaches the customer? Have you felt like there is a divide between the testing team and other engineering or product teams within your organization? At Storyblocks, we have built the bridge between product, engineering, stakeholders, and our testing team forming a productive and cooperative environment. In this session, we will walk through how our testing team has built that relationship over time. We will review why testing teams may find themselves isolated in their organization to the point where the relationship between the testing team and others feels combative. We will review the impact this has on the organization. We’ll look into strategies such as building communication, empathy, early team-building exercises across teams, and trust or testing as a whole team approach to help dig out of the silo and create open communication channels shared across your org.


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