Derk-Jan de Grood - Squerist

Derk-Jan de Grood works as an agile transition coach for Squerist. He has worked for organizations like ING Bank, RTL, DPD, Nationale Nederlanden, and Greenchoice and supported them in their Agile Transformation. He wrote several successful books and frequently publishes articles and columns for major magazines. In 2014 he won the EuroSTAR testing excellence award. This year he published his 8th book called “The waves of Agile” which deals with value delivery in medium and large organizations. Derk-Jan is an experienced trainer, workshop host, and a regular (keynote) speaker at conferences like Agile Business Day Venice, XP Days Copenhagen, Selenium Days Ney Zealand, and the Agile Testing Days and STAR conferences in Europe and America. On his own blog, he shares his knowledge and experience for everyone to benefit from.

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Talk Teaser:


Paul Grizzaffi - Cognizant Softvision


Jan Guido - Principal Advisory Consultant, MABR