Huib Schoots - Agile Coach

Huib Schoots is a tester, consultant and people lover. He shares his passion for testing through coaching, training, and giving presentations on a variety of test subjects. With almost twenty years of experience in IT and software testing, Huib is experienced in different testing roles. Curious and passionate, he is an agile, exploratory and context-driven tester who attempts to read everything ever published on software testing. A member of TestNet, AST and ISST, black-belt in the Miagi-Do School of software testing and co-author of a book about the future of software testing. Huib maintains a blog on He works for Improve Quality Services, a provider of consultancy and training in the field of testing. Huib has a huge passion for music and plays trombone in a brass band.



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Max Saperstone - TestPros


Reid Shepard - Amazon Web Services