The world of software testing is rife with myths about automation that have been with us for years. A quick internet search, however, shows that most of these myths have been debunked by multiple people in blogs, articles, conferences, and webinars. Many of the authors debunk a specific myth with similar logic and examples; this is good because it provides consistency for the “common case”. We easily can find debunking of myths ranging from “automation is best for regression testing” to “it’s feasible to automate everything”. But do these “debunkings” hold true for all contexts? Is “Record and Playback” always a bad idea? Is partial automation at all valuable? Are technology and programming really the hard parts?
Join Paul Grizzaffi as he explores some of the classic myths, their debunking, and the myths about those myths, i.e., instances when a myth is not a myth if applied to a specific context.