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Example Mapping: The New Three Amigos



Example Mapping is a collaboration technique used by teams to help refine requirements. Every team should have a set of “ready” criteria that includes some kind of workshop between development team members to establish a shared understanding. In a time-boxed Example Mapping session, rules will summarize examples or constraints about a user story, and questions about outcomes or dependencies are documented for future refinement.

The end result are requirements written as user behavior with a shared understanding among all roles on an Agile team. The audience will participate in a live Example Mapping session and learn how to implement the workshop within their own team.

Key Takeaways

  • Example Mapping creates a shared understanding among the team of business objectives

  • How to reframe requirements as specifications with examples, which also act as tests

  • How to reduce rework of large or unclear stories by splitting the stories, rules, and examples.

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